Welcome to our journey

Seven years in to our home education journey we get ready to welcome a fourth child and sixth member to our family. As the summer came to a close and the autumn began to draw in, as did i, as early pregnancy brought with it much exhaustion and the need to rest and withdraw. Now, well into the second trimester i have once again found the energy to create and do, picking back up where we left off on our home education journey.

This september all three of our children started attending an independent steiner style school part-time, a decision we made as i had also started working at the school earlier in the year and it seemed like the most harmonious route to take. Prior to this we were exclusively home educating and balancing part-time work around childcare, but with this new job came a clash of working hours and a sudden need for childcare. Sending our children to school meant that i could work on the days that they attended and essentially get to still be a part of their learning journey. The school focuses a lot on child-led learning based around outdoor play and interacting with the natural environment; they honour and celebrate the seasons and often bring nature in to the classroom. The values of the school are very much aligned with our own and it has been a great experience witnessing our children develop new relationships and explore new ways of learning.

Meanwhile in our free time outside of school the creative projects have continued in the form of drawing, colouring, play dough, cooking, baking and lego. We got into the christmas spirit making decorations out of air drying clay and delicious cinnamon buns to share with our family. Our days at home don’t usually follow a set routine, however the children often climb up to the table upon waking and take out their sketchpads and pens. They are happy to spend hours like this either drawing or colouring in. Later there is usually plenty of free play involving different toys, and in the afternoon we will usually take a walk around the farm where we live to enjoy some excercise and fresh air. Jigsaws are also a popular activity in our home at the moment and a nice calm way to pass a few hours in the evening.

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